Experience. Flexibility. Transparency. Integrity.
When you choose Fait, our 40 years as an industry expert in service, fulfillment, and logistics belongs to you. We are fully equipped to work with every size customer in most any industry. See our primary services for starters, but remember this is just the beginning . . .
Our independence allows Fait to work with great adaptability and versatility. Our internal logistics and technology teams have the ultimate flexibility, should customization be necessary to accommodate your needs on any scale.
We've intentionally made our pricing schedule, billing structure and invoices simplistic and transparent. For most customers, we do not require any up-front integration or set-up costs, or a minimum storage commitment. You’ll never be surprised with a previously unknown fee.
Supply chain is no longer a sequence of processes leading to a box arriving at a destination. It’s your company’s final, long-lasting impression on your customer's journey. We value the trust you place in us as your third-party solutions provider, so we will always treat your customers as our own.
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